Male and Female Pair


Amatitlania sajica was a once common fish in the aquairum trade under the common name, “T-Bar Cichlid”. It was within the last few years that its genus was changed from Cryptoheros to the current, Amatitlania which is a reference to a type of traditional paper that is made from various ficus plants(​1​). This species is sexually dimorphic. The males can determined by their red and blue dorsal fin and females by their yellow and blue dorsal fins. The specimens shown in the image were bought as small fry from Mike Hellwig who recently wrote and article and featured them in Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine.

Juvenile Male in Breeding Dress
  1. 1.
    Froese R, D P. Amatitlania sajica . Fishbase. Published 2021.

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